Sunday, March 28, 2010


Last Week we went to Monroe for Peggy's birthday and to celebrate Easter with Megan's family one week early.

On Saturday, we had a huge easter egg hunt for the adults, which is typical in the Forbush family. We split up into 3 teams of 4 people and had a contest. We had to find clues that were hidden and use those clues to come up with a secret word. After quite a while, we finally found clues to help us find the secret word, which meant, WE WON!!! We won a big treasure chest full of wonderful easter candy. This is a pic of the winning team.

Later that day, we were all resting inside of the Forbush house. All of a sudden, all the adults realized that these 2 little kids got in a baby powder fight in the bathroom. It was pretty dang funny. Good thing these weren't our kids and it wasn't our house though. Maybe Megan and I should wait a little more to have kids.


  1. The baby powder incident was so funny. Mom still has to dust daily because of the powder that found its way into the ventilation system.

  2. Ohhh my gosh... that is too funny! It seems like that was a lot of baby powder. I love little kids!
