Since we've been back, Megan started back at Apx Corporate working in the technician queue. I started up my studies again at BYU where I'm majoring in Business with an emphasis in Marketing. I plan on graduating in April 2010. Also, I just started a new job a couple of months ago with an e-commerce coaching company called Prosper. I teach students how to start a business online and do internet marketing, it's great!
We now live in our new house in Lehi where we love it. Megan spends most of her time buying Disney dvd's while I play a lot of basketball with my brother Dave. We hang out with our families a lot since we love to see them, even if their kids are a little whiney. We love our new life in Lehi and look forward to living here for quite a long time.

I'm expecting lots of posting from you guys!