Thursday, December 31, 2009


Just to let everyone know... WE LOVED AVATAR!!!

We now consider ourselves Na'vi... Go see the movie danget!!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009


Megan and I had an AWESOME Christmas. We went down to her parents house in Monroe, UT to spend time with her parents, Shelly, Alex, and Mercedes. It was so freakin cold. We also had a chance to talk to Derrick on Sunday who is on a mission in Maryland. Life is good! :)

Megan loves her new ipod shuffle. She promised me that she will work out all the time now since she has music to work out to. Let's see if she keeps her promise.

I got a new video game, Mario Galaxy, for the Wii which I love. I just wish Meg would be an awesome wife and sit and watch me play it all day.

Megan got too many socks this year. She loves everything about Peter Pan too. She got new Tinkerbell pajamas with 3 pairs of Tinkerbell socks.

After numerous lies and fibs by Megan over the past few weeks, I finally got my phone that I wanted. She has been hiding it for so long and always made me think that she wasn't going to get it for me. I love Megan!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

WiSdOm TeEtH!!!

Megan: The best medicine in the world has to be being with someone after they "wake up" from being sedated because they got their wisdom teeth taken out . . .

After a few migraines and a couple days missed from work, I finally decided that I needed to go to the dentist to see what they could do to get me taken care of. My cure was getting all four of my wisdom teeth yanked. Of course I opted to be sedated when getting my teeth pulled, because lets face it, there should be no other way! Both Shelly and Bri agreed to pick me up because obviously I would have been in no condition to drive myself! Do to the lateness of the surgery it ended up being Bri who would deliver me home. After the IV went into my arm the last thing I remember for several hours was asking the doctor, "should I be feeling dizzy?" He replied, "you tell me!" That's the last thing I remember but apparently I kept a talk'n. Before I was completely out I told the assistant how pretty she was and then my speech slowed down until, according to Bri, you could no longer understand what I was mumbling!

Brian: Meg started to blow me kisses and hitting on the nurses before she passed out. After the surgery, I went back to pick her up. The nurse brought her out to the car in a wheelchair. I thought Megan was back to normal until I saw that she kept letting her head fall over and drooling on herself. Before we could put her in the car, she told me, "no making out for a week." That made me and the nurse laugh. Then we got in the car and headed up to Dave and Candace's because I was in no position to take care of Megan all by myself.

Megan: Bri had to run by our house really quick to pick up some pj's because he figured we would end up staying the night in Riverton. Well, while he ran inside Candace called his phone, and much to her surprise, I answered the phone. I told Candace I remembered EVERYTHING (which I don't remember saying) and the dentist said I wouldn't. Then I told her how pretty the assistant was that helped me. Bri came out upset that I was on the phone because he knew I was still out of it. So he took the phone from me and in that process I dropped my phone. Because of this I was so upset and the only thing that calmed me was when Bri asked me if I wanted to call my sister, Shelly.

"I died for 7 minutes and now I see dead people," happened to be the first thing Shelly heard me say. I than requested that when I saw her next she would bring chicken noodle soup and raspberry jelly. I asked Shelly if she would play Super Mario Brothers with me on the Wii and she agreed. I got SO excited I just started balling! Bri had to take the phone from me because I was so excited and crying.

Luckily for Bri, by then we were at Dave and Candace's house. However, due to my legs not functioning, with my non functioning brain, I was unable to help Bri get me into their house. Bri was able to get the assistance of Dave to carry me into the house and that is where this beautiful shot comes from. I'm letting it be posted for everyone else's humor. Hope it's at least worth a smile!! I now understand why my niece, Courtney, was horrified of me that night and wouldn't even come within 10 feet of me.

GiNgErBrEaD hOuSeS!!!

Bri's mom knew that Brian and I are children at heart; so a week before Christmas we received a gingerbread train to make with Dave, Candace and Courtney. Our adventure began with dear Brian reading the instructions. Making a gingerbread train may seem easy at first, but as the gingerbread started to break in half and the frosting wouldn't become soft the task at hand seemed more difficult than imagined.

Luckily, we had our homemaker Candace by our side, with her handy husband Dave. He pulled out the hot glue gun and she whipped up some fresh frosting. With new tools in hand we were back on track. As we worked with one another our gingerbread train really started coming together.

After much frosting, gumballs, gumdrops and candy canes, our little train was about complete. We added a little powdered sugar for the snowfall affect and then we knew it was perfect! All that was left was for us to pose for the camera!!!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

We just had our first Thanksgiving in our new house, it was awesome! My family came up from Vegas and my parents were the lucky ones that got to stay at our house. We played a lot of games and had some fun times together.

Thanksgiving morning, my 2 brothers and I went to go play football with Dave's ward again. Just like last year, Dan forgot to wear cleats, and that sucks when playing in the snow. But we all had a great time.

When we got back home, we all helped the girls finish cooking the Thanksgiving feast. Megan's parents came up from Monroe and had the Thanksgiving meal with all of us Bollards. It was really fun, especially when we watched a lot of funny videos on YouTube. Our most favorite video by far was Sittin on tha Toilet.

Thursday night at 8 was when the girls, Dan, and I went out to start our Black Friday shopping. Megan already had a bunch of items picked out that she wanted to buy from the mall, Walmart, and Target. Many hours went by, and they were nice enough to drop me off around 2-3 to go home and sleep. All of the others stayed out until about 9 in the morning. CRAZY!!!

Saturday morning, all of the Bollards went up to the canyon to get pictures taken. That's our new family picture up at the top. Megan and I also got some great pictures taken of us that we love and will be able to use for our Christmas cards. Megan is so beautiful, everyone reading this blog needs to know that she is the most wonderful wife in the world!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Just Starting Our Life

Well, this is our first blog, so let's see if this works. Megan and I are loving our new way of life. We just got married a little over 6 months ago in the beautiful Manti Temple. We spent our summer in the humid parts of Fort Worth, Texas working for Apx Alarm.

Since we've been back, Megan started back at Apx Corporate working in the technician queue. I started up my studies again at BYU where I'm majoring in Business with an emphasis in Marketing. I plan on graduating in April 2010. Also, I just started a new job a couple of months ago with an e-commerce coaching company called Prosper. I teach students how to start a business online and do internet marketing, it's great!

We now live in our new house in Lehi where we love it. Megan spends most of her time buying Disney dvd's while I play a lot of basketball with my brother Dave. We hang out with our families a lot since we love to see them, even if their kids are a little whiney. We love our new life in Lehi and look forward to living here for quite a long time.