Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Greatest Thing to Ever Happen to Me!!!

Have you ever wondered if there is any way who can ever compare to your spouse? How about if there is anyone in the world as great as your spouse? Well I have an answer for you, YES there is someone so great in the world. You may be asking how this is possible, well I will tell you . . . I'm married to the greatest husband in the entire world. I always think there is no way he could possibly get any better and guess what he does.

When I got home this is what I came home to. The most beautiful sight, roses, balloon, candles and TWINKIES!!! What you don't know from this picture is that there is beautiful music playing in the background.

My husband did all of this, "Just Because!" He is so sweet! Thank you baby, I love you!!!

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! I love the Twinkies!!! I think its the best part!
